
Sunday 9 June 2024

Ecommerce businesses lose $20 billion to fraud each year

Retailers are no stranger to theft. But while shoppers can’t physically shoplift inventory from a shop floor, fraudsters still target online shoppers and the merchants they buy from.

In 2023 alone, an estimated $38 billion in ecommerce losses were reported in the US due to online payment fraud, and that number is set to reach $91 billion by 2028. In terms of the cost of this fraud, a recent MRC report shows 2.9% of global ecommerce revenue was lost due to fraud between 2022 and 2023.

But no country is safe; fraud is on the rise globally.

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This guide shares how to identify ecommerce fraud, handle the problem, and use software to help both you and your customers prevent major financial losses. 

What is ecommerce fraud? 

Ecommerce fraud is when scammers intercept a commercial transaction on an ecommerce store with the goal of personal or financial gain. Also known as payment fraud, it’s a criminal act in which scammers steal money from either the customer, the merchant, or both. 

With global ecommerce sales tipped to reach $6.3 trillion in 2024, there’s plenty of opportunity for scammers to hijack customer data and commit fraud. Let’s take a look at the seven types of ecommerce fraud you’re likely contending with on your online store. 

Types of ecommerce fraud

Friendly fraud

Friendly fraud happens when customers buy something through your ecommerce website and later file a chargeback with their bank. Shoppers illegitimately claim their purchase wasn’t delivered, looked different from what they ordered, or cancelled their order shortly after placing it. A complaint to their bank prompts an investigation, causing orders to result in a chargeback.

This type of chargeback fraud is common amongst merchants, with some 62% reporting an increase in friendly fraud since last year. The good news? Roughly 9 in 10 of them submit compelling evidence to resolve friendly fraud disputes.

“Overhead costs such as operational costs, transaction fees, and so on are included in chargeback processing,” says Dan Lee, head of marketing at Sealions. “And if the merchandise is sold to a fraudster, the merchant has a slim chance of recovering it. This results in a drop in revenue as well as the loss of a customer. As a result, ecommerce companies must take precautions to safeguard themselves and their consumers from fraud.”

Card testing fraud

Card testing is a tactic fraudsters use to determine whether a stolen credit card works. Scammers often make a small, low-value purchase so the fraudulent transaction goes under the radar of the card holder. Once the card is verified to still work, they go on to make more expensive purchases using the stolen card. 


Graph showing the most common types of ecommerce fraud

Types Of Fraud Experienced By Merchants – Past 3 Year Rankings & Global Incidence (2023). 2023 Global eCommerce Payments and Fraud Report

Card testing is the third-most common type of ecommerce fraud for all merchants. Not only is it frustrating for customers, but should most of your online payments be blocked due to card testing fraud, your business will be subject to extra fees and disputes. 

Refund abuse

Refund abuse is a type of ecommerce fraud where customers return broken, damaged, or stolen items to a retailer in exchange for a refund. 

While many merchants have strict return policies that determine what qualifies for a refund, it’s still a costly problem. The National Retail Federation found that retailers lost $13.70 for every $100 in returned merchandise in 2023. It’s the type of online fraud that saw the biggest increase, with merchants reporting a 25% to 30% uplift in refund abuse in 2023.

Online payment fraud

Online payment fraud happens when scammers steal another person’s payment details and use them to make purchases through your ecommerce store. 

Sometimes known as credit card fraud, it can also happen if scammers create duplicate versions of your website and encourage customers to unknowingly purchase items through a fake website. Hijackers recoup their cash and store their credit card number for future scams.  

Account takeover fraud

Account takeover is a type of fraud that happens when scammers break into a customer’s online account and use stored payment cards to make fraudulent purchases. 

Some 83% of surveyed brands experienced an increase in account takeover fraud in 2023, with scammers accessing customer accounts that use weak passwords, phishing emails, or malicious software on the device used to purchase. 

Promo, affiliate, or loyalty abuse

Ecommerce brands use promotion, affiliate, and loyalty programs to attract new customers and engage existing ones. But their popularity means promotions attract scammers who rinse your business of cash through fraud using tactics like:

  • Affiliate fraud. Affiliate marketing gives customers who refer friends a percentage commission on their order. However, some affiliates bend the rules. They send spam traffic to the website or use stolen credit cards to get paid out—even though the customers they’ve referred aren’t legitimate. 

  • Loyalty fraud. This fraud affects 22% of global retailers. It happens when customers join your loyalty program, earn points through stolen credit cards, and resell them for a percentage of their value on the dark web.

  • Promotion fraud. This happens when scammers find loopholes in a retailer’s promotions to claim products for free. 

Triangulation fraud

Triangulation fraud is a serious problem for both ecommerce merchants and customers. It impacts around 17% of all businesses that sell on multiple channels. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Fraudsters list your products for sale on marketplace such as eBay or Amazon.

  • Customers purchase the lower-than-RRP item from the scammer using their legitimate credit card.

  • The scammer uses a separate fraudulent credit card to buy the real product from your store using the customers’ shipping address.

  • The customer receives their order but their credit card information is compromised.

Triangulation fraud is a serious problem for both ecommerce merchants and customers. Marketplace shoppers unknowingly have their credit card details stolen. Retailers also process fraudulent orders without recognizing the invisible middleman using stolen cards and netting the difference between the marketplace price and actual product price.

Reasons for ecommerce fraud

Ecommerce fraud stems from many sources and motivations. Some top reasons it occurs are:

  • Data breaches: Data breaches are among the leading causes of ecommerce fraud, where hackers gain unauthorized access to a company’s digital network and steal customer information. Fraudulent purchases are often made using this stolen information.

  • Weak or stolen credentials: Users’ credentials are often stolen through phishing attacks or weak passwords. By using these credentials, fraudsters can make unauthorized purchases or misappropriate funds from sellers.

  • Lack of secure payment verification: Ecommerce platforms without secure payment verification methods are prime targets for fraud. Without tools like two-factor authentication or CVV card verification, it’s easier for fraudsters to use stolen card information to make purchases.

  • Poor website security: The low-hanging fruit for cybercriminals are ecommerce websites with inadequate security measures. Vulnerabilities can be exploited to carry out SQL injection attacks, cross-site scripting, and other tactics to bypass security measures or implant malware

  • Advanced persistent threats (APTs): In these attacks, an intruder gets access to a network and stays undetected for a long time. APTs can be used in ecommerce to gather a lot of customer data over time, leading to fraud.

  • Rapid growth of ecommerce: The swift expansion of ecommerce has made it a lucrative target for fraudsters. New and inexperienced merchants might not have robust security measures in place, making them particularly vulnerable.

  • International transactions: Transacting across borders can be riskier, since they often bypass some of the stricter fraud prevention measures in place domestically. International laws can make it hard to prosecute fraudsters in different countries.

What is ecommerce fraud prevention?

Ecommerce fraud prevention is the strategy that online merchants use to prevent, detect, and solve online fraud. It’s important for customers’ safety and avoiding lost profits, which is why 75% of online merchants increased their fraud prevention budgets in 2023.

How to identify fraud on ecommerce websites

Ecommerce fraud is an expensive problem, both in terms of lost revenue from intercepted online orders and customer loyalty. Shoppers are unlikely to return to your website if they were a victim of fraud the last time they purchased through it. 

Here are seven red flags to spot fraudulent activities happening on your website.

  • Higher order volumes. Scammers using stolen credit cards often purchase high-ticket items since the cash they’re spending isn’t their own.

  • Low value orders. “Be on the lookout for low value transactions, especially if they’re only around $1,” says Ben Hyman, CEO and co-founder of rug brand Revival. “Fraudsters will purchase low value products to see if their stolen card works.”

  • Different credit cards. It’s a warning sign when one customer makes several purchases, each using a different credit card. Scammers often do this to test whether stolen credit card details work. 

  • Repeated declined transactions. Fraudsters might not have the information they need to make purchases from a stolen card. If a payment declines repeatedly due to security code errors, for example, it’s unlikely to be an honest mistake from a genuine customer.

  • Unusual IP locations. Look out for several orders from the same IP address, or suspicious orders from an IP address in a location that isn’t familiar. If most customers are in the US, for example, an attempted high-value order from an IP address in Indonesia is a warning sign of ecommerce fraud. 

  • Different billing and shipping addresses. This is especially common with triangulation fraud, where fraudsters use stolen card details to ship items to legitimate customers. 

  • PO box shipping addresses. While this type of shipping location is popular with businesses, PO boxes allow scammers to ship online orders to an anonymous location. Be wary of shipping too many orders to a single PO address. 

Yuvi Alpert, founder and CEO of Noémie, gives an example: “A purchaser that uses multiple shipping locations, a sudden change to a PO box, or several orders coming from a region or country that you had never received orders from before are all signs that ecommerce fraud could be occurring.”

9 steps for successful ecommerce fraud prevention

  1. Manually review risky orders

  2. Limit order quantities

  3. Collect proof of delivery

  4. Be PCI compliant

  5. Show clear policies on your website

  6. Be vigilant around peak shopping seasons

  7. Use verification software

  8. Build a blocklist

  9. Use IP fraud scoring tools

The ecommerce fraud detection market will be worth $84.83 billion by 2026, with US companies spending 10% of their annual ecommerce revenue on payment fraud management. 

If you do experience fraud, it’s important to have a system in place for dealing with it,” says Kristin Stump, marketing manager at My Enamel Pins. “This might involve working with your payment processor to cancel the transaction and refund the customer, or contacting the customer directly to resolve the issue.” 

Here are nine fraud prevention strategies to minimize the likelihood of fraud happening through your website. 

1. Manually review risky orders

Ecommerce software exists to flag risky orders. Manually review orders that raise a red flag, reaching out to the customer for further information if you’re unsure whether it’s legitimate. 

If you’ve received a low-value order from an unusual IP location, conduct a manual review and reach out to the customer for further verification. Failing to hear back means there’s a strong chance that the order was made using a stolen credit card. 

Similarly, consult a customer’s purchase history to determine whether a risky transaction is ecommerce fraud. It’s likely not a cause for concern if a shopper who usually makes orders from the US makes one purchase from an IP address in Spain. But there’s a strong chance their account has been compromised if they’re making orders bigger than usual, using a different credit card, from a different location. 

It’s important to get right. Customer experience is at risk if you approve a false positive—a genuine customer who’s been incorrectly flagged as fraud. If an online order has been declined, shoppers will avoid trying another time before moving to another merchant. 

2. Limit order quantities

High order quantities is a red flag for scammers using stolen credit card information to make fraudulent purchases on your ecommerce store. 

Limit the likelihood of these orders going through by limiting the number units a customer can buy. Analyse previous sales data to understand your “normal”—the average number of units you sell each day. Automatically block orders that superseded this volume to restrict the chances of people committing fraud through your online store. 

3. Collect proof of delivery 

Return fraud often happens when customers say they haven’t received their order. It’s a $101 billion problem online retailers face, largely exasperated by lazy shipping or third-party logistics (3PL) partners.

Combat the problem, and be sure that customers only claim when they legitimately haven’t received their delivery, by working with trusted shipping carriers or 3PLs that supply proof of delivery. Customer signatures or photos of a delivered parcel act as evidence they have received the item they’re illegitimately claiming a refund for not receiving. 

4. Be PCI compliant

All ecommerce businesses need to meet Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards if they’re processing online payments safely. These PCI compliance standards include:

  • Changing the default password for software and systems

  • Encrypting cardholder data across open, public networks

  • Using antivirus software to prevent malware attacks

  • Restricting which employees can access sensitive customer data

  • Regularly testing online security systems 

Having a firewall between your internet access and any system that stores credit card details is one way to ensure PCI compliance,” says Sina Will, co-founder of Foxbackdrop. “Therefore you must verify that you are adhering to the appropriate PCI requirements to avoid sanctions or penalties.”

5. Show clear policies on your website

Policies are pages on your website that explain how your business works. Aside from blanket terms and conditions, showcase clear policies on your website to crack down on ecommerce fraud. That includes: 

  • Strong password policy. It’s easier for scammers to commit account takeover fraud if a customer’s login details are easy to crack. Alongside two-factor authentication, Stephen Light of mattress brand Nolah recommends a password policy. “While some customers find password requirements tedious,” he says, “it makes it much harder for any fraudsters to hack into our customers’ accounts if their passwords are complex.”

  • Return policy. Build your case against customers requesting chargebacks or refunds with a solid return policy. Explain what qualifies for a return, the documentation needed, and how it’ll be processed (such as a cash refund, exchange, or store credit).

  • Promotions and rewards policies. From limited order quantities to prohibiting the sale of reward points, this type of policy backs up any ecommerce fraud that goes against the terms and conditions of your promotion. 

Avoid merchant errors like unclear billing descriptions or confusing return policies that can end up frustrating legitimate customers,” says Zarina Bahadur, founder of 123 Baby Box.

6. Be vigilant around peak shopping seasons

The five-day weekend from Thanksgiving to Black Friday Cyber Monday in 2023 was the biggest online shopping season on record: $38 billion in sales, a 7.8% jump from 2022, according to Adobe Analytics

Lily Will, founder and CEO of Nia Wigs, says you should be extra cautious around these dates. 

“Customers are likewise focused and busy, and they often disregard safety measures,” she says. “Many fraudsters depend on merchants being too preoccupied or distracted to identify possible fraud during these months.”

Increase your investment in fraud prevention solutions around these peak shopping times—be that through specialist software or extra cybersecurity staff who manually review risky orders. It’ll go a long way in protecting both yours and your customers’ finances during peak fraud season. 

7. Use verification software 

A tell-tale sign of ecommerce fraud is when a customer’s billing, shipping, or card details don’t line up correctly. Automatically identify orders that raise this red flag using verification software, such as:

  • Card verification value (CV). Scammers only need to see the front of a credit card to make fraudulent online purchases. Add the three or four digit PIN (CVN) as a required field on your ecommerce checkout as an added layer of security. It’s the most popular fraud detection feature, used by over half of merchants. 

  • Address verification system (AVS). This verifies a customer’s billing address against the card they’re using. As Stephen Light, CEO and co-owner of Nolah, says, “Many fraudsters will use multiple cards to make purchases to a single address, so an address verification service can catch them out.” 

  • Identity validation. This means verifying that the person is who they claim to be. It’s a tactic used by 50% of merchants, and can involve document verification, biometric identification, or 2FA. 


Graph showing the most common types of ecommerce fraud

Current & Planned Usage Of Fraud Detection Tools. 2023 Global eCommerce Payments and Fraud Report

8. Build a blocklist 

Catching a scammer once doesn’t mean they won’t become a repeat offender. Fraudsters can try to trick merchants by changing their name, shipping address, or credit card in the hopes that fraudulent orders will fly under the radar. 

Used by 32% of merchants, blocklists prevent repeat offenders from committing fraud through their websites. It’s a document that contains names, credit card numbers, IP addresses, and shipping addresses known to be a fraud risk. Any new orders with information that matches the blocklist are automatically blocked.

While blocklists can block fraudulent orders before they’re processed, use them with care. A legitimate customer might use a credit card previously flagged as fraudulent without realizing. Blocking their order without explanation will cause confusion and frustration—two things bound to put them off future purchases once their request to be removed from a blacklist has been approved.

9. Use IP fraud scoring tools 

One person can commit several types of fraud using the same computer. Detect those serial fraudsters with IP scoring tools such as SEON or Scamalytics. Each detects an IP address that’s been linked to fraud patterns in the past, using signals like:

  • Their location (and whether it matches the country the card is registered in)

  • Whether they’re using a VPN to disguise their true location 

  • The type of internet service provider, such as a residential or public connection 

Orders placed from an IP with a high fraud score are highlighted, ready to manually review risky orders or automatically block them. 

Ecommerce fraud prevention software

The likelihood of fraud happening on your ecommerce platform scales as your business does. Protect your store with ecommerce fraud prevention tools that check, flag, and block high-risk orders on autopilot. 

Shopify Protect


Image of screen showing a fraudulent order was protected by Shopify Protect

Shopify merchants already have access to a world-class fraud algorithm that uses machine learning and data from stores across the Shopify network to identify fraudulent ecommerce orders. 

Shopify Protect provides an extra layer of protection that secures your business against fraudulent chargebacks—the friendly fraud that costs retailers between $20 and $100 each time. 

Any Shop Pay transaction that’s been cleared by Shopify Protect is safe to fulfill. Should a chargeback happen on a protected order, Shopify will cover the total cost and the chargeback fee, and handle the dispute process on your behalf. 

Price: Free for Shopify merchants.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Ecommerce Fraud Prevention: Strategies to Protect Your Business

Ecommerce businesses face significant challenges due to fraud, losing an estimated $20 billion each year. This guide will help you detect, combat, and prevent the most common types of ecommerce fraud, ensuring your business and customers remain secure.

Understanding Ecommerce Fraud

Ecommerce fraud occurs when scammers intercept a commercial transaction for personal or financial gain. This type of fraud can affect both customers and merchants, leading to substantial financial losses. In 2023, ecommerce businesses in the US reported losses of $38 billion due to online payment fraud, a figure expected to rise to $91 billion by 2028. Globally, fraud accounts for 2.9% of ecommerce revenue losses between 2022 and 2023​.

Types of Ecommerce Fraud

  1. Friendly Fraud: Customers illegitimately file chargebacks after receiving their order, claiming it wasn’t delivered or didn’t meet expectations.
  2. Card Testing Fraud: Fraudsters use stolen credit cards to make small purchases to verify the card's validity before making larger purchases.
  3. Refund Abuse: Customers return damaged or stolen items for a refund, costing retailers $13.70 for every $100 in returned merchandise in 2023​.
  4. Online Payment Fraud: Scammers use stolen payment details to make unauthorized purchases.
  5. Account Takeover Fraud: Scammers gain access to customer accounts to make fraudulent purchases.
  6. Promo, Affiliate, or Loyalty Abuse: Fraudsters exploit promotional, affiliate, or loyalty programs to gain illegitimate rewards or commissions.
  7. Triangulation Fraud: Fraudsters list products on marketplaces, use stolen cards to buy real products from your store, and ship them to customers using their legitimate credit cards.

Why Ecommerce Fraud Occurs

Ecommerce fraud can stem from various sources, such as data breaches, weak credentials, lack of secure payment verification, poor website security, advanced persistent threats (APTs), the rapid growth of ecommerce, and international transactions. Each of these factors contributes to the vulnerability of online businesses​.

Strategies for Ecommerce Fraud Prevention

  1. Manually Review Risky Orders: Use ecommerce software to flag risky orders and manually review them if necessary. Reach out to customers for verification if an order seems suspicious.
  2. Limit Order Quantities: Restrict the number of units a customer can buy in a single transaction to prevent high-volume fraud.
  3. Collect Proof of Delivery: Work with trusted shipping carriers to obtain customer signatures or photos as proof of delivery.
  4. Be PCI Compliant: Adhere to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards to ensure secure online transactions.
  5. Show Clear Policies on Your Website: Display strong password policies, return policies, and promotion/reward policies to prevent fraud.
  6. Be Vigilant Around Peak Shopping Seasons: Increase investment in fraud prevention solutions during high shopping periods like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
  7. Use Verification Software: Implement tools like Card Verification Value (CV), Address Verification System (AVS), and identity validation to automatically flag fraudulent orders.
  8. Build a Blocklist: Prevent repeat offenders by maintaining a blocklist of known fraudulent entities.
  9. Use IP Fraud Scoring Tools: Detect serial fraudsters by scoring IP addresses based on past fraud patterns.

Recommended Ecommerce Fraud Prevention Tools

  • Shopify Protect: Provides fraud protection for Shop Pay transactions, covering the cost of fraudulent chargebacks and handling disputes on your behalf. Learn more about Shopify Protect.

Implementing these strategies will help protect your ecommerce business from fraud, ensuring both your revenue and customer trust are safeguarded. For a comprehensive range of wireless headphones, visit our Wireless Headphones Shop, where you can find the latest models and deals.

For more information on ecommerce fraud prevention, check out these resources:
  • Federal Trade Commission on Online Shopping Fraud
  • National Retail Federation’s Fraud Prevention Resources

Monday 3 June 2024

What is Dropshipping ?? Explaining it to my 9-year-old child

What is Dropshipping ?

Well! Dropshipping is a way of selling things like toys, selling them online without having to keep them in our house garage meaning our storage. Here’s how it works: 👉 You create an online store meaning a online store meaning a shop and list all toys for sale. 👉 When someone buys something from your shop, you order it from a supplier (You ask mommy [supplier] to get the toy from the Garage and send it to your buyer). 👉 The supplier (Mom) sends the toy directly to the buyer without you needing to do anything else you just collect your coins and enjoy them. That’s it! You don’t have to worry about keeping a list of toys in Storage (Inventory) or shipping products (sending toys) yourself.

Here are some examples of how you can make money with dropshipping:

👉 You can sell products that you’re passionate about (Your Spider-Man figures). 👉 You can sell popular products and in demand (the dinosaurs). 👉 You can sell products that are hard to find in stores (Those Hot Wheels ). 👉 You can sell products that are unique and interesting (Hot Wheels none of you friends have them). The key to making money with dropshipping is to find the right stuff (products) to sell and to make all kids get interested in your stuff. You can do this by: 👉 Creating an awesome awesome online shop that kids will love. 👉 Finding popular toy products to list on your shop. 👉 Ask your Sister to help send her TikTok followers to your shop (Driving tons of traffic to your store). 👉 Converting visitors into customers and then repeat customers. (Help kids that visit your shop by taking home the toys you are selling)! I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

1,000 Views and We're Still Dancing! Our TikTok EarBud Adventure

Hey Mirkats Fam!

Let's do a little happy dance because we just CRUSHED a major milestone on TikTok! Yep, you heard that right – one of our videos just rocketed past 1,000 views and we're here to celebrate with all of you amazing tech enthusiasts. TikTok Profile Snap Shot

This achievement might seem small to some, but for us here at Markets, it's a giant leap forward in our mission to connect with you and share our passion for all things electronic!

So, what was this magical video that got everyone buzzing

Well, it all started with a topic near and dear to every music lover's heart: EarBuds! We all know how much we love our buds, but keeping them clean can be a real pain. That's why we decided to showcase the ultimate weapon in any audiophile's arsenal: the EarBuds Cleaning Kit.

In our captivating (and dare we say, hilarious) video, we took you on a deep dive into the world of EarBud maintenance. We showed you exactly how to use this handy little kit to banish earwax buildup and keep your sound quality crystal clear. Let's face it, nobody wants their favourite jams interrupted by a symphony of ear gunk, right?

But the fun didn't stop there! We also threw in some awesome gadget hacks and electronic trivia that left our viewers wanting more. We sprinkled in some killer dance moves (because, well, who can resist a good TikTok bop?), and before we knew it, the views started rolling in!

Here at Mirkats, we're all about building a community of tech lovers who share our passion for the coolest Gadgets and the latest Electronics. And what better way to do that than through the dynamic world of TikTok? This platform allows us to connect with you on a whole new level, share our knowledge in a fun and informative way, and maybe even bust a move or two along the way.

So, a huge thank you to everyone who watched, liked, and shared our video! Your support means the world to us. And for those of you who haven't checked out our TikTok profile yet, what are you waiting for? Head over to [Mirkats Tiktok @Mirkats_store ] and join the party! We've got tons of entertaining content lined up, from the latest tech reviews to mind-blowing gadget hacks, all delivered with a healthy dose of Mirkats fun.

We can't wait to see you there! And who knows, maybe our next viral video will feature YOU!

Unique & Cool Electronics & Tech Gadgets 2024

In the rapidly evolving world of technology , staying ahead of the curve with the latest and most innovative gadgets is essential. As we di...