Monday 3 June 2024

What is Dropshipping ?? Explaining it to my 9-year-old child

What is Dropshipping ?

Well! Dropshipping is a way of selling things like toys, selling them online without having to keep them in our house garage meaning our storage. Here’s how it works: 👉 You create an online store meaning a online store meaning a shop and list all toys for sale. 👉 When someone buys something from your shop, you order it from a supplier (You ask mommy [supplier] to get the toy from the Garage and send it to your buyer). 👉 The supplier (Mom) sends the toy directly to the buyer without you needing to do anything else you just collect your coins and enjoy them. That’s it! You don’t have to worry about keeping a list of toys in Storage (Inventory) or shipping products (sending toys) yourself.

Here are some examples of how you can make money with dropshipping:

👉 You can sell products that you’re passionate about (Your Spider-Man figures). 👉 You can sell popular products and in demand (the dinosaurs). 👉 You can sell products that are hard to find in stores (Those Hot Wheels ). 👉 You can sell products that are unique and interesting (Hot Wheels none of you friends have them). The key to making money with dropshipping is to find the right stuff (products) to sell and to make all kids get interested in your stuff. You can do this by: 👉 Creating an awesome awesome online shop that kids will love. 👉 Finding popular toy products to list on your shop. 👉 Ask your Sister to help send her TikTok followers to your shop (Driving tons of traffic to your store). 👉 Converting visitors into customers and then repeat customers. (Help kids that visit your shop by taking home the toys you are selling)! I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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