Thursday 6 October 2022

SuperCool Gloves LED Flashlight Gloves — A Light Exactly Where You Need it!

SuperCool Gloves with LED Flashlight

This is my wife review after purchase LED Flashlight Gloves;

I purchased these for my husband last year as a gift. I've seen him struggle in the past when doing things in dark places. When he first got them, he sort of rolled his eyes at me, but I knew that there would be a point where he'd be glad he had them.

He finally found use for them this weekend (and yes, he said they were much more helpful than the "head light strap" thing). He also balked at me taking pictures and says "Tell people no judging on what i'm doing here, and say it's never recommended to use power tools in the dark." 

I asked him for his review today. Here is what he said:

They are really handy (no pun) to have - when you need them. Having a set in a "car safety kit" would be excellent, as well as a set in a toolbox or house "storm kit" (they are nice and bright and would be great to light your way when the power is out).

They were too small for him and not comfortable. The velcro popped off a few times as he moved his hand around which he said was annoying. He removed a star for this. Another size would be good for people with larger "man hands" (his words).

The light is nice and bright, but hard to keep focused on the areas you might need them focused on. Perhaps having lights that had a 'broader range" in addition to the "spotlight" would have helped.

MY THOUGHTS (as an observer)
I kept thinking these things would be great at a rave or party while dancing. They are super bright and looked pretty cool when he was walking back and forth and moving his hands in the dark. I suppose some people would be annoyed by this because the lights are super bright, but pretty much people are going to be annoyed anyway no matter what you do. Also, they would probably just be jealous they didn't have fancy "light up dance hands."

Ultimately he was glad he had these, and with some improvements, they could work really well. Unless these stretch, they aren't comfortable for long-use for larger hands. A broader "flood" type light (maybe on the palm side) would help as well. That said, overall, they are nice to have around and do the job in a pinch.

In my opinion, the price-point to value of having them is high. I can see several reasons to have a pair or two to have around, and because they aren't very expensive, I gave back a star for that, trumping his initial assessment.

Husband (who used them): 3
Me (who purchased them and observed): 4. Because I'm writing this, my rating stands :)

I'd recommend these - if for anything to have around for 'emergency' situations. A pair for the car (i.e. a flat tire at night) and in the house (if power is lost or need to see "hands-free (need two hands and therefore can't hold a flashlight)

Place your Order here:

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